Back in two hours. Together.
Two hours. Just two hours. Which, to be honest, could be less or even more. And that is precisely the beauty of our two hours: forgetting everything, including the time. That is why sometimes they can turn into two and a half, three or even four. Other times, however, we stop and spend our time off-the-saddle. The bike becomes the means to get to what we need. A secret place, off the beaten track. A place away from everything and everyone. A place that has a very deep value that, perhaps, we need to share. Because if it is true that we often take a bike and go, alone, we consider it true freedom, other times sharing is what we most desire.

Everyone has their own place and getting there is a ritual. Most of the time we take the same route to get there, in other cases we change just to have some novelty. These times are a bit of a stretch: in the end, if we almost always choose the same route, it is because it is the one we prefer. The more particular, difficult, winding the road, the more we feel it is ours. Maybe we go at full throttle, because we know that afterwards we will relax a little and waste several minutes, which are not lost.
Bikes always rest in the same place, even though there are alternatives. But a ritual is a ritual and changing, replacing or modifying is not expected. Only the clothing changes, just as the landscape changes according to the season. The leaves on the ground in autumn, the bare trees in winter, life peeping out again in spring, the unbearable heat in summer. And so on, incessantly, season after season, year after year: that place is always there. It is your place, and every now and then your two hours take you there.
Your own two hours are also this: in company to share a place that is not just a place. It is so much more.

Max wears Academy, a versatile technical jersey made of extremely fine merino wool. The comfort fit and contemporary look make it ideal for the latest cycling trends: from gravel to road, e-bike to MTB. Thanks to the natural power of merino wool, the jersey has exceptional temperature regulation, breathability, moisture-wicking capacity, odour prevention and a unique softness.
Marzia, on the other hand, wears Glory, a jersey made of cotton-effect stretch fabric, which is light and highly breathable. The flap that completely covers the back pockets is a detail that makes the garment suitable for other outdoor activities, off the bike.